AIR JORDAN 34 Performance Review

AIR JORDAN 34 Performance Review
AIR JORDAN XXXIV(34) Performance Review
 Air Jordan Signature series 34th "AIR JORDAN XXXIV (Air Jordan 34)" review.

 Not only the 34th numbering model but also the current work that attracts attention as Washington Wizards Rui Hachimura signed with Jordan Brand.

 This time you will review by MeYou(@youdumbo)!

 エア ジョーダン シリーズ第34作目 "AIR JORDAN XXXIV (エア ジョーダン 34)" をレビュー

 34作目のナンバリングモデルというだけでなく,ワシントン ウィザーズの八村塁がジョーダンンブランドと契約したことでも注目が集まる今作


B/R Kicks @brkicks - @rui_8mura in the AJ34
 Air Jordan Signature 34 "AIR JORDAN XXXIV (34)", the designer is Tate Kuerbis.

 In production, it was first started from collecting feedback on the previous work "AIR JORDAN XXXIII (33)" released in November 2018.

 As a result, what many athletes wearing Air Jordan 33 wanted was to improve outsole traction and further reduce the weight of the shoes.

 エア ジョーダンシグネチャー 34作目となる"AIR JORDAN XXXIV (34)", デザイナーはTate Kuerbis(テート=カービス)

 製作にあたって,まずは2018年11月に発売された前作"AIR JORDAN XXXIII(33)"のフィードバックを集めるところからスタートしたとのこと

 その結果,エア ジョーダン 33を履いた多くのアスリートから望まれたことはアウトソールトラクションの改善と,さらなるシューズの軽量化でした

Air Jordan XXXIV: The Science behind the Design
 In order to achieve weight reduction, the Carvis et al. Design team repeated trial and error, incorporating only the necessary items for basketball, such as the heel counter, shoe tongue, eye stay, and reinforcement part of the midfoot, all the parts that are not essential from the sole and upper We were particular about design which we removed.

 Tested repeatedly to achieve the lightest in the series. Men's US9 size is only 13.1 ounces (approx. 370 g), and has finally become one of the lightest shoes produced by the Jordan brand.

 Carvis says: “What I like about this shoe is that it doesn't look like Jordan in the past. You will feel that it is the shoe that has the purest elements of basketball.”


 度重なるテストを行いシリーズ最軽量を実現. メンズのUS9サイズで重さわずか13.1オンス(約370g)にとどめ,最終的にこれまでジョーダン ブランドが制作したシューズの中でも最も軽いシューズの一つとなりました

 カービスいわく「このシューズについて気に入っている点は,過去のジョーダンに似ていないという点です. 最も純粋にバスケットボールに必要な要素を取り入れたシューズになっていると感じるでしょう」

Air Jordan XXXIV: The Science behind the Design
 In order to improve outsole traction, the athlete's foot was scanned and the pressure mapping was confirmed. Confirm that the traditional herringbone pattern is suitable.

 And the new technology that has been installed for the first time in this work is "Eclipse Plate"


 そして今作で初めて搭載されたテクノロジー "Eclipse Plate(エクリプス プレート)"

AIR JORDAN 34 Performance Review
 "Eclipse Plate" is a unique upgrade technology that reduces the overall hardness and weight while utilizing the driving force of "Flight Plate", a technology that was previously adopted by the Jordan Brand.

 The Eclipse plate combines two Pebaxes and a zoom air unit on the forefoot, and for the sake of weight saving, the zoom air is exposed by hollowing the center part that normally uses foam, and The strength of the plate stabilizes the shoe and provides lateral support.

 In order to make the most of the effect of a piston created by the deflection and repulsion of the air unit due to impact on shoes or weight change during play, the Eclipse plate is recessed to prevent the air unit from being restricted by the plate. It is designed to shrink and restore for shock absorption.

 When designing the plate, pay particular attention to the stability of the heel, to ensure that the optimal explosive movement in basketball, such as cuts, dashes, stops, jumps, etc., can be tightly controlled, and to help athletes move smoothly. Will.

 "Eclipse Plate (エクリプス プレート)"はこれまでジョーダンブランドで採用されていたテクノロジーである"Flight Plate(フライト プレート)"の推進力を活用しながら,全体の硬さと重さを抑え改良された独自のアップグレードテクノロジー.

 2枚のPebax(ペバックス)と前足部のズーム エア ユニットを組み合わせており,通常はフォームを使う中央部分を空洞にしてズーム エアを露出させつつ,ペバックスの強度によって安定性と横方向へのサポートを提供します.

 シューズへの衝撃やプレイ中の体重移動によってエア ユニットがたわみ,反発することで生まれるピストンのような効果を最大限活かすため,エクリプスプレートにはくぼみを作り,エア ユニットがプレートの制約を受けることなく衝撃吸収のために収縮や復元を繰り返します.


B/R Kicks @brkicks - @rui_8mura in the AJ34
 Color is Blue Void / Green Glow / Black / Metallic Silver [AR3240-400], "Blue Void"

 The first release color is Blue Void, meaning "Blue of the Sky"...Although the color of teal / purple is the team color of Charlotte Hornets, the owner of which is Michael Jordan.

 A number of blue void colors have been released in AIR MAX TAILWIND IV, REACT PRESTO, etc., but since 2019, Nike has suggested a translucent / see-through material upper coloring.

 After this, the release of 4 colors has been decided.

 Let's look at each place.

 カラーは Blue Void/Green Glow/Black/Metallic Silver [AR3240-400], "Blue Void(ブルーヴォイド)"

 ファーストリリースカラーは「空の蒼」を意味するブルーヴォイド …とは言いながらもティール/パープルの色合いはマイケル・ジョーダンがオーナーを務るシャーロット ホーネッツのチームカラーでもあります.

 ブルーヴォイドカラーはAIR MAX TAILWIND IVやREACT PRESTOなどでも多数リリースされていましたが,2019年からナイキが推すトランスルーセント/シースルーマテリアルのアッパーを体現するカラーリング



 Upper is Leno weave.

 In order to reduce the weight, it is not overlaid on the textile except in the area where the load is applied, and anyway, waste is eliminated.

 The tongue has the Flight logo reminiscent of "AIR JORDAN 4". The shoelace system passes through the race wire.



 タンには"AIR JORDAN 4"を思わせるFlightロゴが鎮座. シューレースシステムはレースワイヤーを通ります

しょーさん @Shohei012002 - こんな感じで切れてます…切れるというか取れた見たいな
 Shosansan (@Shohei012002) reported that the shoelace wire was broken ...

 Unfortunately, in a situation where the part itself is “taken” rather than cut out, I feel that it is a defect at the time of manufacture rather than a problem of strength.


 残念ですが,切れたというよりパーツ自体が「取れた」ような状況で,強度の問題というよりは製造時の不良である気がしますが… いずれにせよ注意が必要ですね

 The midsole rises high and counteracts the instability of the lighter upper.

 Outsole with a design similar to "AIR JORDAN 15" when viewed from the back.


 真後ろから見ると"AIR JORDAN 15"にも似たデザインのアウトソール.

ジャンプマン & 34
 Jumpman is printed on the insole. Below it is the letter "34" made with Morse code.

 インソールにはジャンプマンがプリント. その下にはモールス符号でつくられた"34"の文字.

 Midsole is "Phylon". Cushion is front and rear ZOOM AIR (details will be described later)

 There is a hollow in the center of the midsole, and this wide open area is the "Eclipse Plate". A TPU plate is attached next to the toe

 ミッドソールは"Phylon(ファイロン)". クッションはフロント/リア共にZOOM AIR(詳細は後述)

 ミッドソールの中央部に空洞を持たせてあり,この大きく開かれたエリアが"Eclipse Plate(エクリプス プレート)". トゥの横にはTPUプレートが装着されています

 The front cushion is articulated zoom air, and the rear cushion is hexagon zoom air.

 The front airbag is divided into 4 sides and the area is very large.

 クッションはフロントがアーティキュレイテッドズームエア, リアがヘキサゴン(六角形)ズームエア.


 The front ZOOM AIR is exposed from the Eclipse plate and can be seen directly.

 Colored airbags are visualized and beautifully looked, demonstrating the high design of the Jordan brand.

 エクリプスプレートから露出し,直接見ることのできるフロントのズーム エア


 Outsole is herringbone pattern.Six holes written as "ZOOM" are opened in the center of the outsole, and the airbag can be seen from here.

 The rubber is solid rubber with XDR.Not only this blue void color, but also all the colors that have been released so far, solid rubber is adopted.

 Translucent rubber is not adopted, and it seems to suggest that the Jordan brand also understands that solid rubber grips.

 アウトソールはヘリンボーンパターン. アウトソールの中央部にはZOOMと書かれた6箇所のホールが開けられており,ここからもエアバッグが見える仕様

 ラバーはXDRでソリッドラバー. このブルーヴォイドカラーだけではなく,今のところリリース発表されている全カラーでソリッドラバーが採用されています.


 First of all, I felt that the arch part was much raised compared to other models at the first step.
 Probably, the shape of the Eclipse plate that is also a feature of this bash is interfering so as to roll up.
 If you have a low arch, it might be painful to try on.
 Although it is completely low-cut by design, the thick heel pad holds the heel firmly.
 The Eclipse plate lifts the midfoot to increase the fit with the entire shoe, and in addition to the lightest AJ history, I felt a sense of unity with the shoe during play. (A feeling that you are wearing but nothing is wearing ...)
 This work was also released as a PF model, but I didn't feel that wide.
 It is rather PF, but it may be narrow, depending on the person, the toe guard outside the toe may be stressed.
 The material of the sole is XDR, but I felt stickiness on the coat without feeling so hard.
 The depth of the herringbone pattern may be exquisite.
 As a result, it was a satisfactory grip, including front and rear, left and right, and turns.
 Although the court environment was good, there was no scene of wiping the dust in the game, but the evaluation may vary depending on the environment.
 And as for the cushion including the Eclipse plate, which is the best sale of the current work, the propulsion force of conventional flight speed technology (compared to AJ30, 31, 32) is strong in the sense of pushing forward, but my feet Had the impression of being carried by shoes.
 This time, the Eclipse plate has a more natural driving force, and it feels like you're pushing it forward with your feet even though you're pushing forward. (I'm sorry for the abstract expression, but it was intense until now, but I feel that the work can be stepped on quickly)
 In addition, I felt the driving force when I stepped not only forward and backward but also left and right. I wonder if it is the result of minimizing the interference with the zoom air by the Eclipse plate indentation that is officially struck. As a result, the fore was not too hard and had an exquisite cushioning with repulsion.
 The only drawback was the heel cushion.
 There was a feeling of bending when the weight was on the heel, and I stepped in from various angles to see if the zoom was thick.
 It wasn't affected that much because I didn't play with too much habit, but depending on the person, there might be blurring of the habit here, which may affect play and injury.
 Durability cannot be mentioned because the number of uses is still low, but since we have seen reports that shoelace holes will break when tightening the string, wearing it will be a problem if you take note of that point.

 まず最初の足入れの段階で土踏まず部分が他モデルと比べてだいぶ盛り上がっているように感じました. おそらくこのバッシュの特徴でもあるエクリプスプレートの形状が巻き上げるように干渉しているのではないかと思われます.
 作り的には完全にローカットですが, 厚めのヒールパットがしっかりと踵をホールドしてくれました.
 どちらかというとPFですが幅が狭いかもしれません. 人によっては爪先外側のトゥーガードがストレスになる可能性もあります.
 ソールの素材はXDRですがそこまで硬さは感じずにコート上では粘りを感じました. ヘリンボーンパターンの溝の深さが絶妙なのかもしれません. その結果前後左右,ターン時も含めて満足のグリップ力でした.
 そして今作一番の売りであるエクリプスプレート含めたクッションに関してですが,今までのフライトスピードテクノロジー(AJ30, 31, 32と比較)の推進力は前へ前へ押し出す感覚が強い一方で自分の足が靴に運ばされている印象を持っていました.
 また 前後だけで無く左右に踏み込む際にも推進力を感じました. 公式でも謳っているエクリプスプレートのくぼみによってズームエアへの干渉を最小限にした結果なのかなと…その結果フォアは硬過ぎず且つ反発がある絶妙なクッション性でした.



 我こそは,という方はtwitter(@RING_KNOWS_RING) やinstagram(@RING_KNOWS_RING)からメッセージをお願いします!

 レビューしてくださった方にはささやかなプレゼントがあるとかないとか…?! お楽しみに!!

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@mac10 Locked in

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