NIKE ZOOM FREAK 1 Performance Review

NIKE ZOOM FREAK 1 Performance Review
NIKE ZOOM FREAK 1 Performance Review
 ヤニス=アデトクンポのシグネチャーモデル記念すべき第1作目"NIKE ZOOM FREAK 1(ナイキ ズーム フリーク 1)"をレビュー


 やたら配送が遅かったため,届いた瞬間に玄関で段ボールをこじ開けバックパックに詰め込み急いでバスケに向かうというアレっぷりを発揮したわけですが… 最新シグネチャーを早速レビューしていきましょう!

 Giannis Antetokounmpo's signature model commemorative first work "NIKE ZOOM FREAK 1" Review.

 I got the first signature of Yannis finally released, the previous release of NIKE.

 At the moment when it arrives, it breaks open the cardboard at the entrance and stuffs it in a backpack and goes to the gym. Although I was able to demonstrate how easy it is, Let's immediately review the new kicks!

ヤニス・アデトクンポとナイキ エア ズーム フリーク 1ができるまで
 ギリシャ出身,NBAミルウォーキー・バックス所属のパワーフォワード,"Giannis Antetokounmpo(ヤニス=アデトクンポ)"



 ニュースターの活躍を表して契約を交わしているNIKEからいよいよヤニス初めてのシグニチャーモデルが登場しました,その名も"NIKE ZOOM FREAK 1 (ナイキ ズーム フリーク 1)"

 Giannis Antetokounmpo is from Greece, And He is a Power Forward from the NBA Team Milwaukee Bucks.

 He got 1st Eastern Conference in the NBA regular season in 2018-19 season, brought the team to the highest win rate with a season record of 60 wins and 22 losses, and won the MVP of the 2018-2019 season.

 There is also an announcement that he will participate in the World Cup as a representative of Greece, and while he is only 24 years old, Giannis is establishing a solid position as a new generation NBA player.

 The first signature model of Giannis has finally appeared from NIKE, which has signed a contract representing Newstar's performance, and its name is "NIKE ZOOM FREAK 1".

 ヤニスのニックネームである"THE GREEK FREAK(ザ グリーク フリーク)"から名付けられた今作はコービーシグネチャーを好んで履いていたヤニスの意向からローカットが採用されました

 211cmの長身ながらオールラウンドにプレイし,フリースローライン近辺から幾度もダンクを決めるヤニスの規格外のプレイを象徴する特大のリバーススウッシュ(逆スウッシュロゴ)が特徴. ヤニスの規格外のウイングスパンを表すためアウトソールは"FREAKY HEEL"として両端にせり出し,その長い手足を活用したクイックネスを生かすためトラクションは前後で""MECANIC"と"GENERATIVE"の二種類に分かれています

 Named from Giannis's nickname "THE GREEK FREAK", this work has been adopted the low cut from the intention of Giannis who preferred to wear a KOBE signatures. Plays all round while being 211 cm tall and features an oversized reverse swoosh (reverse swoosh logo) that symbolizes the non-standard play of Yanice who decides the dunk many times from around the free throw line.

 The outsole is stretched to both ends as "FREAKY HEEL" to represent the non-standard wing span of Yannis, and the traction is divided into two types, "MECANIC" and "GENERATIVE", to take advantage of the quickness utilizing its long limbs It is divided.

 四人の兄弟"FRANCIS(フランシス)","THANASIS(タナシス)", "KOSTAS(コスタス)","ALEX(アレックス)"を表す4本のバンド




 Four bands of shoelace parts represent the four brothers "FRANCIS", "THANASIS", "KOSTAS" and "ALEX".

 Giannis's parents, Charles and Veronica, who lived in Lagos, Nigeria, have difficulty finding a place to work, and they decide to move from Lagos to Greece for a better environment. Only Francis, who was the eldest son, will be raised under Giannis's grandparents and will remain in Lagos.

 The Antetokounmpo family has four more sons, including Giannis, who was born on December 6, 1994 in Greece.The three brothers, including Janice, and the eldest son, Francis, are to survive.

 These four bands show that the presence of the brothers, including the surviving brother, has made Giannis a foot on the ground and became a solid and honest man.


 父親のチャールズ=アデトクンボは便利屋(handyman)として、妻のヴェロニカはベビー・シッターとして懸命に働き4人の兄弟を育てました. シューズ側面にあるソールの下からアッパーを包むアウトリガーは,ヤニスや兄弟に母親が与えていた愛や支援を表現しています

 The Antetokounmpo Family who moved to Greece, were the only black family in the area, so they struggled to make a living.

 His father, Charles The Antetokounmpo, worked hard as a handyman and his wife, Veronica, as a baby-sitter and raised four brothers. On the side of the shoe, an outrigger that wraps the upper from below the sole expresses the love and support that the mother has given to Giannis and his brother, and family.

 ソールパターンには父チャールズが好きだったという薔薇をデザインし,"I AM MY FATHER'S LEGACY"と非常に直接的なメッセージが刻印



 Giannis encounters the tragedy that his father dies with a heart attack during the training camp of the NBA 2017-2018 season.

 The sole pattern is designed with a rose flower that he liked his father Charles and has a very direct message of "I AM MY FATHER'S LEGACY".

 You can see the composition that it is the mother who drives him in the forefoot and the father who supports him in the backfoot.

 In the heel, the logo of Giannis's profile number "34" designed from the Greek Flag asserts its existence, It is unusual for several original logos to be included in a pair of shoes.

我們在場上看不到的希臘怪物 Nike Zoom Freak 1 ‘All Bros’

 1stリリースカラーである今カラー,間をおかず黒ベースのモデル[BQ5422-100]もリリースされましたが,ここ最近黒や白やらシンプルなカラーリングのシューズばかり買っていたためこちらをチョイス. なんだかんだ1stリリースカラーを買わずに後で後悔することが多いのですね…



 A color that is the 1st release color and a black side model based on the side color [BQ542-100] has also been released, but recently I bought shoes of only black and white and simple coloring, so I chose this choice. I often regret it later without buying something like 1st release color...

 Let's look at each place!


 足当たりは良く,ソフトで快適ですが,メッシュの表面から察するに"KYRIE 2"と同じマテリアルに見えます. このマテリアルは尋常ではないスピードで変色するので注意が必要


 Upper is Engineered Mesh.

 Good per foot, soft and comfortable, but the mesh surface is the same material as "KYRIE 2". You need to be careful because this material changes color at an unusual speed.

 There is no sense of premium, but it also feels that it also represents "Giannis".



 長期的に使用するとここが一番痛むと思われますが,ひもを強めに締める方は注意が必要. 本当にいつか破損すると思いますのである程度余裕を持たせて締め上げましょう. シューレースホールの一番上までシューレースを通すと非常に良いフィット感が得られます

 Four shoelace parts representing Giannis's four brothers.

 This shoe lace part is quite a bender, and it is good to be able to fix the strings because of the surface treatment like suede, but it seems that the second pipe is heavily loaded, and used several times It is deformed only.

 If you use it for a long time, you may feel the pain here, but be careful if you tighten the string.I think it will really get damaged someday, so let's tighten the strings with some margin. You can get a very good fit by passing the shoelace to the top of the shoelace hall.




 The amount of padding such as tongues and shoes, etc. seems to be larger than usual, and the feeling when wearing shoes is mild

 Because there is a limit to the formation of the mesh upper, the fit is adjusted in the direction to make the inner cushioning material thicker, and the first time you put in the foot, it is fluffy and quite surprisingly comfortable.

 You can feel this fluffy only at the beginning because it transforms into a foot shape when worn several times, but the fluffy feeling of the tongue is particularly pleasant.

 今作の特徴である特大逆スウッシュロゴ, このスウッシュの向き自体は以前にレビューした"PG 2" や "PG 2.5" , "ZOOM CLEAR OUT"と同様ですが,大きさがけた違いです



 Oversized reverse swoosh logo that is the feature of this work, The direction of this swoosh is the same as "PG 2" , "PG 2.5" and "ZOOM CLEAR OUT" reviewed previously, but the difference is the size difference.

 The TPU Heel Counter is not attached, but the color of the heel holds the Achilles's spot.

 Although the midsole has been sharpened and eroded to the upper, it does not feel pain in this part, and the color part embroidered by the Janice's spine number "34" designed from the Greek flag is very soft.

 インソールには四人の兄弟を表す"ALL BROS"がプリントされています

 The insole is printed with "ALL BROS" representing the Four brothers.


 コービーシグネチャーの中でも"KOBE 10"を好んでいたヤニスの意向を汲みシャンクプレートは排されたとのこと


 Midsole is "Phylon", cushion has double stack zoom air only on the rear foot.

 It is said that the shank plate has been rejected in favor of Giannis who preferred "KOBE 10" among KOBE signature.

 The setup without the front cushion is different depending on the person, but the softness of the outsole is the cushion, and it is not bad and it is the point level.

 アウトソールは マルチダイレクショナルパターン(Multidirectional Traction Pattern)

 カイリー1のグリップ力を参考に形成し,ヤニスのアフリカからヨーロッパへ行き,アメリカに至るこれまでの旅路を時間の流れとして落とし込んだアウトソールのパターンです. また,彼の父が大変好んでいたという3つの薔薇の花のパターンもあり,中央には"I AM MY FATHER'S LEGACY"というメッセージも刻まれています


 Outsole is Multidirectional Traction Pattern.

 This pattern is based on Kylie 1's grip/Outsole, going from Africa to Europe, and falling to life in the US as an outsole pattern. There is also a 3 rose flower pattern that his father liked very much, and the message "I AM MY FATHER'S LEGACY" is engraved in the center.

 The quality of the rubber is very good and grips very well, it will be able to be positioned in the Top Class without complaint in basketball shoes.

 368g(12.9oz), US11(29cm)での計量です

 It measures at 368 g (12.9 oz), US11 (29 cm).


 ギリシャに代表されるパルテノン神殿やコロッセオに用いられた白色の大理石を彷彿とさせるデザイン. ボックス全体にパーソナルロゴがプリントされています

 Signature original box based on white.

 It is reminiscent of the white marble used for the Parthenon and the Colosseum, represented by Greece. The personal logo is printed on the entire box.






 このシューズを履いてみると,まず最初に感じるのはグリップのクオリティの高さ. グリップに関しては評価の仕方が千差万別で 「あまりグリップすると足首にダイレクトに衝撃が来てこわい」という方も一定数いると思うのですが自分は強いグリップを重視しているためこのくらいがベスト

 ヒールのダブルスタックズームエアはほとんど効果を感じられませんし,クッションも性能としては微妙ですが,若手の初シグネチャーはこのくらいハードな仕上がりでもまったく問題ないでしょう. このシューズはあなたのために作られたのではなく,ヤニスのために作られたのですから

 耐久性も低くはないはずなので,部活の使用から月イチエンジョイバスケまで,良い意味で幅広く履けるモデルに仕上がっています. しかし履き口付近のマテリアルの耐久性は非常に弱く, 2回履いただけで破けました…

 $120のシューズなので日本でも\13000くらいでリリースしてほしかったですが,ギリギリで許容範囲でしょうか, リリース数もそれなりにあったようでプレ値などにならなくて本当に良かった,基本的に競技用シューズはプレ値になってほしくないですからね…

 The spirit is included in the first signature model.

 To be honest, there is nothing new in technology and there is nothing but reworking of the past, and it is mediocre if you look only at the specs, but it is difficult to expect so much for the $ 120 shoes.

 The first signature model is required for performance / performance as a basketball shoe (it goes beyond a certain level as a matter of course), but presents the "concept as a signature" that "this signature goes in this direction" I think that is.

 This is true for any manufacturer, and it is meaningless to release it as a signature if it can not be clarified unless it bears a name in shoes, and it is not possible to gain market appeal or see adidas's wall signature.

 I think that it is the mission of the signature to present the direction, clarify it and then upgrade the characteristics of the shoes, but I think that Freak 1 is extremely hot in terms of its “provision of direction”. I felt something.

 When I wear this shoe, I feel that the characteristic of this shoe is the high quality of the grip. With regard to grip, I think that there are a certain number of people who have various evaluation methods and "If you grip too much, then the impact comes directly to the ankle", but I think that I am very strong because I emphasize grip quite a lot Grip is the best.

 The double-stacked zoom air on the heels has almost no effect and the cushions are subtle as to performance, but the young's first signature has no problem with this hard finish. This shoe was made for you Not because it was made for Giannis.

 The durability should not be low either, so it is a model that can be worn in a wide sense in a good sense, from the use of club activities to the month easy basketball. But the durability near the ankle is very weak, The surface broke just by putting on 2 times...

 I wanted you to release it at around \13000 in Japan as it is a $ 120 shoe, but it's just acceptable. The number of releases seems to have been reasonable, and it was really good to be resold and not to go high, basically I don't want the competition shoes to be pre-value...

 というわけで個人的には大満足!! NIKEiD(NIKE BY YOU)でも作りたいというかおそらく作りますが,残念なのは前述したアウトソールの設定. カラー分割できないようで本当に残念… "KYRIE 5"のNIKEiDも同様のダメさがありましたが,アウトソールの細かい仕様選択もできるようにしてほしいですね(というかデザイン的にはそこが大事だと思うのに、ナイキは努力する気がないっぽい)


 コービーシグネチャー,特に"KOBE 10"や"KOBE AD Exodus"を好んで着用していたと語るヤニスですが,やはりFREAKとKOBEでそのプラットフォームは似ています

 これからもFREAKシグネチャーは積極的に履くシグネチャーになる予感がします.。"NIKE FREAK"の1作目,これからもこの方向性で突っ走り,そして極めてほしいです

 So personally very satisfied! ! I would like to make it with NIKEiD (NIKE BY YOU), but I am likely to make it, but unfortunately it is the setting of the above-mentioned Outsole. I want you to be able to select the specification of the sole of the sole (I think that Nike doesn't intend to make an effort though I think that is important in terms of design).

 Recently I have found interest in new signatures in this price range, as I have lost interest in the Nike Signatures, which are meaninglessly priced with each generation.

 It's Giannis who told me that he preferred KOBE Signature, especially "KOBE 10" and "KOBE A.D. Exodus", but after all the platforms are similar in "FREAK" and "KOBE".

 I feel that "FREAK" signature will be a signature to wear actively from now on. The first work of "NIKE FREAK" series, I will continue to drive in this direction from now on, and I want it extremely.

ヤニス・アデトクンポとナイキ エア ズーム フリーク 1ができるまで

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